Sexual Assaults in College

I don’t see how colleges don’t already have amazing programs to deal with sexual assault.  They pride themselves on turning away thousands of applicants every semester who don’t meet the academic standards they consider acceptable.  However, a person who commits sexual assault is considered a viable alumnus of the institution.

Rape is an actual crime, and while it’s under reported and sees even less of a conviction rate than murder, it should be grounds for expulsion and put the perpetrator on a national sex offender registry.  Rape should not just hurt the survivor.  It should have consequences for the person who committed the crime.

College might be a time to experiment, but rape isn’t an experiment.  It’s a crime, and a crime with a high recidivism rate at that.  I’ve heard a lot more about cheating scandals than I have about sexual assault cases.  That’s the wrong priority.  How is a bunch of students who cheat on a take home test more newsworthy than a single person being sexually assaulted by a member of the student body?

Stop blaming the survivor.  Victim-blaming is the wrong route to go.  Who gives a shit if she was wearing a short skirt.  Clothing does not indicate anything.  If I walked around the beach in a Speedo, which would be quite acceptable, although grotesque and scarring for life to all who saw it, just because it’s the absolute acceptable minimum of dress for a male in public does not mean you can fuck me.  A short skirt or low cut blouse is no more scandalous than a bikini, and yet as far as I know, the rate of sexual assaults happening at public swimming pools is not an issue.  Sure, some people go to public pools to ogle the eye candy, but when a woman is wearing something less revealing in a setting that doesn’t involve a lot of water, suddenly she is dressed for sex?

I don’t buy that.

I can appreciate beautiful women.  I can appreciate looking at a woman and knowing I will never see her naked.  If I found a person passed out a party I was attending, my first thought would be making sure she’s okay, not if she sucks good dick in her sleep.  Maybe that’s just me.  Perhaps since I’ve never been drunk in my life I don’t know the correct way of thinking when it comes to other drunk people.

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