21st Century

I grew up in the 80’s and 90’s. Like most people from that era, I’m disappointed that we don’t have flying cars and all the other amazing things movies from that time promised us.

However, what I’m really disappointed about is the lack of equality in this country. America, “the greatest country on Earth” feels like it’s taking a backslide back into the 1950’s. I live in Texas, not exactly known for its tolerant attitude, and yet we have some of the best rape laws in the country. Forensic kits are held for two years in case a victim of sexual assault decides later to press charges. The rest of the laws aren’t perfect, but it’s something that a state known for not being LGBTQ friendly still protects survivors.

Now on to my real beef. Since Obama was elected president, the race card has been played on all sides. I’m well aware racism is alive and well in this country, but it feels like it’s becoming even more mainstream now. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there were 1,018 active hate groups in the US in 2011. Want to see where your state stands? Click to view the hate map! Calfironia leads the US with 84, followed by Georgia with 65, Florida with 55, Texas with 45 and Mississippi with 41. They go down from there. Alaska, Rhode Island and Vermont each have one.

The point I’m trying to make is, this isn’t the country we were promised. Where is the equality? Where is the freedom of religion? Why are all the Republican candidates touting their religious affiliation? I don’t care what God you believe in, as long as you believe in equality.

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